Portrait Challenge# 2

I don’t know how long this challenge going to end 😛 , maybe I am going to do this a little while.

I am always particular when comes to choosing the right photo reference for every mini project that I am uploading onto my youtube channel. This photo reference always stays on my mobile phone and I wanted to do the drawing one day and here it is.

Actually, I am quite satisfied with the overall face effect that I want to convey in my art. She was quite subtle and delicate. Facial expression is one of the most difficult subject in my portrait studies.But but…. I have issue with drawing arms and hands . I feel they look abit too skinny.

Whatever …. I always planned them in my little sketchbook before a video was made. I get questioned about how I drew portrait. I don’t have better advice as I am not a professional artist. But I do them in my own way that is I studied them really and REALLY close each time when I am holding the photo in my hand.

I don’t know if I interpret my drawing correctly as I find it abit soft and sweet for this drawing .That is why, I have decided to add in my own elements , the boxing gloves. I love telling a story in a portrait. I will do this more often in my future videos

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