Collaboration with Artist

I have recently done an art collaboration on youtube with an Anime Artist, MdrawingM. She is really fantastic on her anime styles. This was my debut collaboration with her and I actually got this idea about drawing the Marvel Character , death dealer from the Marvel Movie , Shang-Chi -The Legend of The Ten Rings.

I do not want to do it alone for this round and decided to have collaboration with MdrawingM. I had contacted her via Instagram instead as there are no other means of contacting her.We had a quick discussion about what we wanted to do and I gave my idea about this drawing. She was happy on this and there it goes with our first debut collaboration.

There are different ways of collaboration ideas on youtube.For ours, it will be we drew and colored the character and release at the same timing.This was the fastest and easiest way to collab. Below is my drawing and you may catch my drawing over my youtube channel below.

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